Want to get hitched and have beautiful children?
I don't care that you kind of look like a Robert Patterson wannabe and come from a very religious family. Our life together will be amazing.
You're great on Brothers and Sisters, it makes me want to watch it more and more. I have a feeling you will get with that guuuurl on it. :'( It will make me shed a tear or so, but I will solider on. Hmph.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Save Me From Me.
*YAWN!* Ahh, my weekend has been tiring. First off I had my New Vogue dancing exam on saturday morning. I had forgotten the dances completely and really did not know what I was doing.
Afterwards Mother and I drove towards Brunswick to go to the Retrostar sale. I didn't buy much, but it was alright. :)
Then I had work until 9pm, which was okay. :D
Sunday I slept a lot and then headed off to my friend, Millie's house. We went to a lovely dinner for our friend, Anthea's Birthday. It was really good, and a lot of fun. I may put some pictures up later on. I gave her a little felt purse I made inspired by another blog I had read.
I'm now officially half way through my new blue scarf.
The holidays are going to be craft filled, hopefully.
I have some softies that I am going to made, when I get around to it.
Blogspot doesn't want to upload pictures so this is going to be more boring than usually.
Sorry. D:
Afterwards Mother and I drove towards Brunswick to go to the Retrostar sale. I didn't buy much, but it was alright. :)
Then I had work until 9pm, which was okay. :D
Sunday I slept a lot and then headed off to my friend, Millie's house. We went to a lovely dinner for our friend, Anthea's Birthday. It was really good, and a lot of fun. I may put some pictures up later on. I gave her a little felt purse I made inspired by another blog I had read.
I'm now officially half way through my new blue scarf.
The holidays are going to be craft filled, hopefully.
I have some softies that I am going to made, when I get around to it.
Blogspot doesn't want to upload pictures so this is going to be more boring than usually.
Sorry. D:
Friday, June 26, 2009
Let It Roll.
So, here I am... Sitting in my last SOSE/Humanities EVERRRR!
It's all very exciting. :) No more of the i-hate-knitting-and-i-treat-everyone-like-a-five-year-old teacher.
Okay, so the moment has come, he said goodbye and left us with a sub. NO MOREEE!
*dances like crazy* or nooot, i'm in class and people may think i'm even more strange...
I did have science though, we played a trivia game that ended up being mostly about South America and the USA. We did get chocolate and lots of it. The lesson included my teacher dancing and pretending to be the score girl, he would have been fired if he gained income from it.
My science teachers lovely quote from when we were watching 'The Dish', "It's important to be brave, otherwise you'll never meet anyone." Why thank you, my favourite giant swedish man. You hold all the knowledge in the world.
My next two periods, Viscom and English could not have may for a better ending for the semester. I am not in the mood for German or maths...
Last day/very early in the morning I was reading some blogs, as usual when I came across a few website and other things that I like:
Oh Crap. My Parents Joined Facebook.
It's an Etsy shop with the cutest cross sticking pieces.
It's a shame I just threw out my cross stiching material, I'm craving it now.
I think I'm going to buy some supplies tonight, or soon at least. :)
It's all very exciting. :) No more of the i-hate-knitting-and-i-treat-everyone-like-a-five-year-old teacher.
Okay, so the moment has come, he said goodbye and left us with a sub. NO MOREEE!
*dances like crazy* or nooot, i'm in class and people may think i'm even more strange...
I did have science though, we played a trivia game that ended up being mostly about South America and the USA. We did get chocolate and lots of it. The lesson included my teacher dancing and pretending to be the score girl, he would have been fired if he gained income from it.
My science teachers lovely quote from when we were watching 'The Dish', "It's important to be brave, otherwise you'll never meet anyone." Why thank you, my favourite giant swedish man. You hold all the knowledge in the world.
My next two periods, Viscom and English could not have may for a better ending for the semester. I am not in the mood for German or maths...
Last day/very early in the morning I was reading some blogs, as usual when I came across a few website and other things that I like:
Oh Crap. My Parents Joined Facebook.

It's an Etsy shop with the cutest cross sticking pieces.
It's a shame I just threw out my cross stiching material, I'm craving it now.
I think I'm going to buy some supplies tonight, or soon at least. :)
Tomorrow is going to be a very busy day! At 11am I have my ballroom dancing exam... I'm doing, Merilyn, Palma Waltz and Tangoette. Then Mother and I are planning to rush to Brinswick to go to the Retrostar sale, which is going to be sooooo busy. Otherwise I think we will end up chilling out on the streets... :D
After all that, I have to be at work at 3pm. It's all exciting...
I'm being forced into doing soooome work, damn you Byron! >_<
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Take The Power Back!
Here are some pictures that I did when I tried out some cloning!

Where is your mobile phone? to my left. :)
Where is your significant other? ain't got one! D:
Your hair colour? light/medium brown.
Your mother? is fairly weird, but awesome too!
Your father? is cooool. (Y) most of the time. :P
Your favourite thing? knitting, art, photos.
Your dream last night? nooo idea.
Your dream goal?to actually pass maths! and find a way to do science and art as a career.
The room you're in? bedroom.
Your hobby? arty farty stuuuuuff.
Your fear? spiders. >.< and medium sized birds.
Where do you want to be in 6 years? in england with some hot as indie boyyy.
Where were you last night? in the lounge until 2.30
What you're not? disappointed that it's holidays soon!
One of your wish-list items? gig tickets, glamour kill bag, cheap mondays, dr. martins. :)
Where you grew up? right here, all my life.
The last thing you did? talking to steph on msn.
What are you wearing? my happy pants, i hate you cat tee (nataliedee.com), my HIM hoodie and finger less gloves.
Your TV? it's in this room.
Your pets? 3 kitty cats and a puppy dog.
Your computer? shitty and slow! too many high quality photos and music.
Your mood? getting sleepy, but goooood.
Your car? what car? :O
Something you're not wearing? a beanie and scarf.
Favourite shop? too many. probably the charcoal chicken near work... HAHAHA! how sad!
Your summer? can piss off. It's winter and I love it.
Love someone? yesss.
Your favourite colour? greeeeeen.
When is the last time you laughed? my convo with steph:
steph says: entertain me taiga
taigaaaa. says: HMMMM DO YOU LIKE THINGS?
steph says: get out
taigaaaa. says: -_-
I took this photo on my phone, walking to the station today. My sister tried to stop me, but I won! HA!
steph says: entertain me taiga
taigaaaa. says: HMMMM DO YOU LIKE THINGS?
steph says: get out
taigaaaa. says: -_-
I took this photo on my phone, walking to the station today. My sister tried to stop me, but I won! HA!
I'm Ready.
Today was a decent day! :) Although after knitting in class for the first two periods I started to get quite sleepy and slipped a no doz into my system. ;D It was much needed! I got a fair amount of knitting done, it was great. I'll take a photo when it is done.
I've decided to be nice to the German teacher... :| For now at least, I'll get in the good books. Another absolutely great thing about today, my SOSE teacher wasn't there! w00000t! Byron and I chilled out while everyone was out doing work, I got some blog reading done.
Maths last period... DUN DUN DUNNN! It was good! We had 2 tests, one was shit and one was so easy. Kelsey and I got out 20 minutes early and began to walk to the station.
Last night I got a letter back that I wrote just over a year ago at an 8 week long camp in a country town called Clunes. I was so lame back then, and I still am. It has messages from my friends including, "Taiga Smells! HAHA! Just fucking with you! I love you, and I'll never forget our evil laughs" "You are the world to me, keep smilinght <3 style="font-weight: bold;" size="3">IF YOU LIKE FML: There's a website like it, but with text messages. :) I thought I'd share it with you all. Texts From Last Night.
Looking through blogs I found a few awesome pictures to post:
I've decided to be nice to the German teacher... :| For now at least, I'll get in the good books. Another absolutely great thing about today, my SOSE teacher wasn't there! w00000t! Byron and I chilled out while everyone was out doing work, I got some blog reading done.
Maths last period... DUN DUN DUNNN! It was good! We had 2 tests, one was shit and one was so easy. Kelsey and I got out 20 minutes early and began to walk to the station.
Last night I got a letter back that I wrote just over a year ago at an 8 week long camp in a country town called Clunes. I was so lame back then, and I still am. It has messages from my friends including, "Taiga Smells! HAHA! Just fucking with you! I love you, and I'll never forget our evil laughs" "You are the world to me, keep smilinght <3 style="font-weight: bold;" size="3">IF YOU LIKE FML: There's a website like it, but with text messages. :) I thought I'd share it with you all. Texts From Last Night.
Looking through blogs I found a few awesome pictures to post:
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Love Like Winter.
Well, today was interesting... I had maths with the devil teacher, but that was backed up by Viscom and German, which were really good. :) My friend finally uploaded some pictures from a German class before exams when we were doing oral presentation, I thought I'd share them, I think they're fairly funny.

(the white board translates to: On Sunday afternoon, Byron, Jackson and Anna played in bed. THREESOME!)
I had debating tonight. It was great. I hung out with Christie and Sean for a few hours and had dinner with them. Mmm, I would so marry a soulaki... If you could. :| Our topic was that smoking should be banned and we were for it. It was all fairly easy to do. We won, of course! It was Sean's second time debating and he did soooo well!
The other team were, strange and a bit stupid. One went of about whaling and how it in part of Japan's tradition and they can't live without whale meat. Just like it's an Australian tradition to smoke.. Hmmm, I have no idea what the girl was smoking.
Their last speaker, oh when the boy opened his mouth and spoke you could not help but laugh. He waltzed in with his scarf and mini country road bag, AHHH! It was hilarious.
He said "Speaker 1 said that you can becoming addicted to knitting is just like becoming addicted to smoking, she said it was bad. Knitting is a productive addiction!" WHAAAT!? I love knitting! I said people who quit smoking sometimes take up knitting to keep their hands busy. It was all weird...
I also said that one of the chemicals in cigarettes is the gas used in WWII to kill millions of people. He replied with "Why would they keep the smoke from WWII and put it in cigarettes?"
Oh god, how I laughed... a lot. Sometimes I am glad I go to a private school.
Today during Viscom, when I began this blog, I was looking at other blogs as you do in one of Mr. Reed's art classes. I came across this really cute video on a girls blog. Check it out. It's well worth it. It's one of those videos where you end up saying "AWWW!" out loud and look like a fool... Maybe that's just me.
(via addicted to discovery...)

(the white board translates to: On Sunday afternoon, Byron, Jackson and Anna played in bed. THREESOME!)
I had debating tonight. It was great. I hung out with Christie and Sean for a few hours and had dinner with them. Mmm, I would so marry a soulaki... If you could. :| Our topic was that smoking should be banned and we were for it. It was all fairly easy to do. We won, of course! It was Sean's second time debating and he did soooo well!
The other team were, strange and a bit stupid. One went of about whaling and how it in part of Japan's tradition and they can't live without whale meat. Just like it's an Australian tradition to smoke.. Hmmm, I have no idea what the girl was smoking.
Their last speaker, oh when the boy opened his mouth and spoke you could not help but laugh. He waltzed in with his scarf and mini country road bag, AHHH! It was hilarious.
He said "Speaker 1 said that you can becoming addicted to knitting is just like becoming addicted to smoking, she said it was bad. Knitting is a productive addiction!" WHAAAT!? I love knitting! I said people who quit smoking sometimes take up knitting to keep their hands busy. It was all weird...
I also said that one of the chemicals in cigarettes is the gas used in WWII to kill millions of people. He replied with "Why would they keep the smoke from WWII and put it in cigarettes?"
Oh god, how I laughed... a lot. Sometimes I am glad I go to a private school.
Today during Viscom, when I began this blog, I was looking at other blogs as you do in one of Mr. Reed's art classes. I came across this really cute video on a girls blog. Check it out. It's well worth it. It's one of those videos where you end up saying "AWWW!" out loud and look like a fool... Maybe that's just me.
(via addicted to discovery...)
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
You Might Have Noticed
Teachers shit me up the wall. Seriously, What kind of profession is this? You all try to educate children all day, but we don't listen. Why waste your time and our money? It's useless.
Dear New German Teacher- Frau Baumgartner,
First off, Your surname translates into 'Tree Gardener'. What kind of name is that? I mean you get it at birth, but wouldn't you change it? I have no idea how you got your teaching degree, and especially how you got hired as a teacher at this school. I guess the school does hire people like my maths teacher. Anyway, german class was once fun, but not anymore. It is torture. If I have to spend a term with you peering over my shoulder and correcting everything we do, I will crack. My german class is capable of getting rid of all german teachers. Throughout the year, two teacher have already left. You will go! We will not embrace your hippy ways, Miss. Tree Gardener. You have manly hands by theeee way, It's not nice to look at.
Dear Mr. Sose Teacher,
Well, I got 6 minutes of knitting done in my Sose class today, until you ruined it. "Grandma Taiga! Put the knitting down!" Knitting is an art form, ass hole. Why not use the time you waste by talking to us and put it to a good cause? For all you know I could be knitting for charity! Then you decide to talk about giving my knitting to another teacher... I do not find that funny, at all. Would you like to pay me $20 for it, Thanks? On top of everyone, You're just a shit teacher and I'm sick of you treating everyone like they are 5 years old.
Dear Shakespere,
Why did you write Macbeth? I don't want to study it, or watch the movie. Just seeing the start of the movie made me want to die. Old witches who flash their southern quarters at men of horses, I think it's going a bit too far there.
On lots of blogs I''m seeing art by Melissa Haslam. Her art is so good, I love it. It reminds me of Mark Ryden in some ways. I thought I'd share some:

Dear New German Teacher- Frau Baumgartner,
First off, Your surname translates into 'Tree Gardener'. What kind of name is that? I mean you get it at birth, but wouldn't you change it? I have no idea how you got your teaching degree, and especially how you got hired as a teacher at this school. I guess the school does hire people like my maths teacher. Anyway, german class was once fun, but not anymore. It is torture. If I have to spend a term with you peering over my shoulder and correcting everything we do, I will crack. My german class is capable of getting rid of all german teachers. Throughout the year, two teacher have already left. You will go! We will not embrace your hippy ways, Miss. Tree Gardener. You have manly hands by theeee way, It's not nice to look at.
Dear Mr. Sose Teacher,
Well, I got 6 minutes of knitting done in my Sose class today, until you ruined it. "Grandma Taiga! Put the knitting down!" Knitting is an art form, ass hole. Why not use the time you waste by talking to us and put it to a good cause? For all you know I could be knitting for charity! Then you decide to talk about giving my knitting to another teacher... I do not find that funny, at all. Would you like to pay me $20 for it, Thanks? On top of everyone, You're just a shit teacher and I'm sick of you treating everyone like they are 5 years old.
Dear Shakespere,
Why did you write Macbeth? I don't want to study it, or watch the movie. Just seeing the start of the movie made me want to die. Old witches who flash their southern quarters at men of horses, I think it's going a bit too far there.
On lots of blogs I''m seeing art by Melissa Haslam. Her art is so good, I love it. It reminds me of Mark Ryden in some ways. I thought I'd share some:

Hold Me Down
Woops, I haven't blogged in a few days. I've been a little bit busy, I guess. Sunday I spent the whole day with my lovely friend, Stephanie. We went 'window shopping', but it didn't really end up like that. We went to some lane ways and took photos as well. It was so much fun.
I have to get my film developed soon and then I'll scan some more pictures in, at the moment I have some digitals for you. :)
Actually going to school today was torture. Maths first period with the terminator... "I will be back". I didn't miss her accent one bit. Otherwise I had good classes all day. Sometimes Mondays aren't too bad.
Now, I said to my friend, Byron I would write something about Steve Bracks. Here we goooo:
Dear Mr. Steven Bracks,
You make huge promises and never fore fill them. Your greatest promise was to the people of the Rowville and Knox community. You promised them a train line. Was that ever done? Not one bit. None the community of Rowville has to catch a bus, then a train to get to ANYWHERE close to civilisation (no offence. :P). What would have taken less than 40 minutes, take up to 2 hours without the train line. Time is precious, yet you have taken the one thing every human has and wasted it in transport time. PATHETIC! The whole of Victoria is glad you're now gone, not that it's much better at the moment. But you still come back to haunt us with your evil concepts and ideas. You are the devil in a quite unattractive gentlemans body.
Dear Fat man on the train,
"Okay, I need $4 from 8 people, everyone get out your wallets!" Excuse me? Get a freakin' job! You're scaring the children and you smell like a dirty cleaning cloth. Not to mention you fell on top of a mother and her two children. Shower, get a job, lose some weight and then you won't be hanging out on trains to get money for your 'weekly ticket', or maybe a few hamburgers.
Dear 3 scene kids on the train,
AHHH! You were so cute and funny. I have no idea how old you were, probably 15 or younger. You didn't know 4 time 8, but who really cares? You're probably going to drop out anyway. You were really kind and the one next to me even jumped on top of me when the fat man walked past.
Dear Weird Wannabe Rock 'n' Roll Man on the bus,
"They tell me if I smoke 50 ciggarettes a day and drink 30 coffees, I'll be a rock star!" Sorry, but that is not happening. You need a nice shower with lots of soap and maybe a house... You'll be on some sort of track then... hopefully.
Dear Druggie Couple on the Train,
Oh yeah! We'll turn up the music on our phones to block out everything... erm? Lady, why stare at me? It's creepy! Then you slowly pulled down your sun glasses to reveal your eyes that were so close together I'm surpised you didn't have one eye. As for your man there, no comment. He's foul and sickly.
I bought some wool the other day too. Hopefully this scarf works out. It's going to be soooo thin. :| Oh well! It should be okay... I better be off to bed then, it's nearly 1.30am... :O
I have to get my film developed soon and then I'll scan some more pictures in, at the moment I have some digitals for you. :)
Now, I said to my friend, Byron I would write something about Steve Bracks. Here we goooo:
Dear Mr. Steven Bracks,
You make huge promises and never fore fill them. Your greatest promise was to the people of the Rowville and Knox community. You promised them a train line. Was that ever done? Not one bit. None the community of Rowville has to catch a bus, then a train to get to ANYWHERE close to civilisation (no offence. :P). What would have taken less than 40 minutes, take up to 2 hours without the train line. Time is precious, yet you have taken the one thing every human has and wasted it in transport time. PATHETIC! The whole of Victoria is glad you're now gone, not that it's much better at the moment. But you still come back to haunt us with your evil concepts and ideas. You are the devil in a quite unattractive gentlemans body.
Dear Fat man on the train,
"Okay, I need $4 from 8 people, everyone get out your wallets!" Excuse me? Get a freakin' job! You're scaring the children and you smell like a dirty cleaning cloth. Not to mention you fell on top of a mother and her two children. Shower, get a job, lose some weight and then you won't be hanging out on trains to get money for your 'weekly ticket', or maybe a few hamburgers.
Dear 3 scene kids on the train,
AHHH! You were so cute and funny. I have no idea how old you were, probably 15 or younger. You didn't know 4 time 8, but who really cares? You're probably going to drop out anyway. You were really kind and the one next to me even jumped on top of me when the fat man walked past.
Dear Weird Wannabe Rock 'n' Roll Man on the bus,
"They tell me if I smoke 50 ciggarettes a day and drink 30 coffees, I'll be a rock star!" Sorry, but that is not happening. You need a nice shower with lots of soap and maybe a house... You'll be on some sort of track then... hopefully.
Dear Druggie Couple on the Train,
Oh yeah! We'll turn up the music on our phones to block out everything... erm? Lady, why stare at me? It's creepy! Then you slowly pulled down your sun glasses to reveal your eyes that were so close together I'm surpised you didn't have one eye. As for your man there, no comment. He's foul and sickly.
I bought some wool the other day too. Hopefully this scarf works out. It's going to be soooo thin. :| Oh well! It should be okay... I better be off to bed then, it's nearly 1.30am... :O

Friday, June 19, 2009
Five Minutes To Midnight.
Dear Emo/Goth/Hardcore Kid on the Train,
Okay, I like the music you listen to, but do you really have to rub your greasy digusting hair while you're sitting RIGHT next to me? It's revolting! Please do not sit next to anyone if you're going to do that. Not to mention you took up half of my seat!
Dearest Connex Train Driver (towards the city),
Why are you even employed? You kept driving a train that was so old it shouldn't have been on the track and continued to driving it even though it was breaking down every minute or less. We actually got stuck on top of a bridge for over 5 minutes, yet don't stop the train! Continue driving as normal...
Dear Security Guard at the Magistrates Court,
I will not wait for you. You want to touch me, why would I wait? I want it over and done with. I don't care if the other lady is getting cranky. I was in line next!
Dear Middle Eastern man on the Train,
Please stop staring at me and moving around. You got way too close. I would like to keep my own personal bubble, personal! I don't know what you wanted, but I do not want in on it.
Dear Random Old Solicitor with a limp,
No, I do not work at the court so don't get pissy with me. Just because you're disorganised doesn't mean you should be rude. Shouldn't you have retired already?
Dear Sexy Art student who sat next to me on the Train,
Damnnn, you're hot. Sorry if I hit you with my Mx... Even though you had the generic Love- Hate tattoos on your wrists, you're fineeee. ;) I reckon we should date, ayyy?
Dear Random Hotty with the eyebrow piercing,
Yes, you're good looking and all, but do you basically have to fall asleep on my shoulder? It was fairly awkward...
Dearest Connex Train Driver (towards belgrave),
Please turn off your speaker, we do not want to hear you. Although you did provide the whole train with a bit of a laugh we didn't want to hear all that static. It also caused us all to turn up our iPods quickly. Actually, that was funny..
Dear Year 8 School Kid in Hosier Lane,
I do not want you in my picture, I am using film. Get it? You cannot delete it and re-do it... Stay out of the picture! Just because you're too young to know what film is.
I think that is all I have... At least for now.
I finished my work expierence today. Gosh it was sad! Literally, everyone is lovely! They're all nice and I don't get to hang with them anymore. :( Saying goodbye to the security guards was terrible, "So that's it? See you later!" me: "Yehp, That's it forever. :(" I'm so lame, and I love it. ;D
Okay, I like the music you listen to, but do you really have to rub your greasy digusting hair while you're sitting RIGHT next to me? It's revolting! Please do not sit next to anyone if you're going to do that. Not to mention you took up half of my seat!
Dearest Connex Train Driver (towards the city),
Why are you even employed? You kept driving a train that was so old it shouldn't have been on the track and continued to driving it even though it was breaking down every minute or less. We actually got stuck on top of a bridge for over 5 minutes, yet don't stop the train! Continue driving as normal...
Dear Security Guard at the Magistrates Court,
I will not wait for you. You want to touch me, why would I wait? I want it over and done with. I don't care if the other lady is getting cranky. I was in line next!
Dear Middle Eastern man on the Train,
Please stop staring at me and moving around. You got way too close. I would like to keep my own personal bubble, personal! I don't know what you wanted, but I do not want in on it.
Dear Random Old Solicitor with a limp,
No, I do not work at the court so don't get pissy with me. Just because you're disorganised doesn't mean you should be rude. Shouldn't you have retired already?
Dear Sexy Art student who sat next to me on the Train,
Damnnn, you're hot. Sorry if I hit you with my Mx... Even though you had the generic Love- Hate tattoos on your wrists, you're fineeee. ;) I reckon we should date, ayyy?
Dear Random Hotty with the eyebrow piercing,
Yes, you're good looking and all, but do you basically have to fall asleep on my shoulder? It was fairly awkward...
Dearest Connex Train Driver (towards belgrave),
Please turn off your speaker, we do not want to hear you. Although you did provide the whole train with a bit of a laugh we didn't want to hear all that static. It also caused us all to turn up our iPods quickly. Actually, that was funny..
Dear Year 8 School Kid in Hosier Lane,
I do not want you in my picture, I am using film. Get it? You cannot delete it and re-do it... Stay out of the picture! Just because you're too young to know what film is.
I think that is all I have... At least for now.
I finished my work expierence today. Gosh it was sad! Literally, everyone is lovely! They're all nice and I don't get to hang with them anymore. :( Saying goodbye to the security guards was terrible, "So that's it? See you later!" me: "Yehp, That's it forever. :(" I'm so lame, and I love it. ;D
Anyway, to catch up on my shopping habits, I've bought:
(WARNING! The following picture make me looks like a loser, yes it is true. :|)
(My new/old Voigtlander Vitoret- today I learnt it doesn't like double exposures. -_- $40)
(My new one of a kinda wallet. ;D Half price! wooo! $15)
(New 'table cloth' skirt, thank you mother... On sale, $30)
Plus, I bought myself a flower... :)
I wish!
(WARNING! The following picture make me looks like a loser, yes it is true. :|)

Plus, I bought myself a flower... :)

melbourne design market,
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Emo Sucks, You Suck!
Today, I sat with a man named, Ron and watched people file for divorce, it was okay. Lots of really nice people came through the registers and they were all talkative. :) I got to go on a tour on the prison cells in the court and then the security guard took me to the roof and allowed me to go into the High Court. The tour was really interesting, there are so many secret doors. Now I'm a bit scared that when I lean on a wall it will fall open.
I had a nice long lunch, I walked at a quick pace down to Swanston street, and called Tahlia for some directions, THANK YOU, TAHLS! Anyway, I went to the Metropolis, hiked up all those stairs! I ended up buying a book. :O
Going into book stores always ends in me spending money, i try and limit myself, but nooooo. Plus I'm a complete sucker for books filled with notes. There is no resisting them. :) On the walk back a dragged myself into a few shops.
I found a cute, dirty but CUTE shop with all old cameras. I'm thinking about buying one... hmmm... The little asian lady inside was so kind and helpful. I may end up back there tomorrow. :) I sped back to the Court giving myself a headache because of the noise of my shoes. I do really like the noise heels make.
I went back to do some filing in the record part of the court, I was fairly boring... Then I ran around with one of the ladies getting mail and sorting it.
They let me go home early! How kind! But I did have to get back to Glen Waverley and go to work. Excitement...
Now I'm at home, bored! Tomorrow I will be hitting Degraves Street and Flinders Lane. Should be fairly good, I'm hoping. One thing, I love this magnetic necklace/bracelet/ring/anklet thing so much! I happened to notice while wearing it as a ring that staples get stuck to it. So it's not just a piece of jewellery, but I valued desk item... I keep seeing picture like this... I think it's a sign that I actually NEED a life...
I had a nice long lunch, I walked at a quick pace down to Swanston street, and called Tahlia for some directions, THANK YOU, TAHLS! Anyway, I went to the Metropolis, hiked up all those stairs! I ended up buying a book. :O
I found a cute, dirty but CUTE shop with all old cameras. I'm thinking about buying one... hmmm... The little asian lady inside was so kind and helpful. I may end up back there tomorrow. :) I sped back to the Court giving myself a headache because of the noise of my shoes. I do really like the noise heels make.
I went back to do some filing in the record part of the court, I was fairly boring... Then I ran around with one of the ladies getting mail and sorting it.
They let me go home early! How kind! But I did have to get back to Glen Waverley and go to work. Excitement...
Now I'm at home, bored! Tomorrow I will be hitting Degraves Street and Flinders Lane. Should be fairly good, I'm hoping. One thing, I love this magnetic necklace/bracelet/ring/anklet thing so much! I happened to notice while wearing it as a ring that staples get stuck to it. So it's not just a piece of jewellery, but I valued desk item... I keep seeing picture like this... I think it's a sign that I actually NEED a life...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
The Art of Losing.
The second day of work experience... I got to the station earlier and caught that train. It was boringgg, but didn't really take too long. When I got off at Flagstaff I had to buy something to eat, not having breakfast in my tummy was making me feels sick, so what did I get? Vitamin water and mentos. :) But I only had one mentos... hehe.
Here's what I woreeee:
Yes, I looked like a fag, duhhh.
But, I did take the oppurtunity to wear my fish nets. ;D
I spent the morning in one court case and then it went on a break so I beeped myself through a billion different doors and got told to go to another court. It was all very thrilling... kind of.
At 1pm I had my lunch and walked out the back of the court down Williams Street. I stopped off a Novo, 50% off everything? I had to check it out. :)<>
I hit Bourke Street and walked down to find myself a sushi place. As soon as I was gone I ventured down to Elizabeth Street on a mission to find a gorgeous design shop. I found a shop called 'Rap' and it was full of cute jewellery and bags. (www.rapproducts.com.au)
I walked past a lot of camera shops so I decided to go in and see how much they sold star filters for... I love that I get 10% for being a student. I think dad should ust let me buy all the photography items for now on. But not with my money of course! :P
I slowly found my way back to Little Lonsdale Street and searched for this design place...
Of course I found it! Design Dispensary. I wanted this pretty magnetic necklace/ring/bracket/anklet thingy that I saw at the design market on Sunday.
So, I bought it! In this dark coin gold colour. It's pretty and I love it. :) Cash well spent, kinda.
The lady even gave me a discount, she was so nice.
Go toooo, designdispensary.com.au
I spent the rest of the afternoon in a meeting with 'clients', yeahh fancy shit right there. :) That took forever! I was went to leave at 3.30 or earlier, but noooo I left the court at 5.30... ahhh, I don't even get paid for this job!
In other news, :O I'm sleepy.
And I love this sooooo much, it's cute!
Here's what I woreeee:

But, I did take the oppurtunity to wear my fish nets. ;D
I spent the morning in one court case and then it went on a break so I beeped myself through a billion different doors and got told to go to another court. It was all very thrilling... kind of.
At 1pm I had my lunch and walked out the back of the court down Williams Street. I stopped off a Novo, 50% off everything? I had to check it out. :)<>
I hit Bourke Street and walked down to find myself a sushi place. As soon as I was gone I ventured down to Elizabeth Street on a mission to find a gorgeous design shop. I found a shop called 'Rap' and it was full of cute jewellery and bags. (www.rapproducts.com.au)
I walked past a lot of camera shops so I decided to go in and see how much they sold star filters for... I love that I get 10% for being a student. I think dad should ust let me buy all the photography items for now on. But not with my money of course! :P
I slowly found my way back to Little Lonsdale Street and searched for this design place...
Of course I found it! Design Dispensary. I wanted this pretty magnetic necklace/ring/bracket/anklet thingy that I saw at the design market on Sunday.
The lady even gave me a discount, she was so nice.
Go toooo, designdispensary.com.au
I spent the rest of the afternoon in a meeting with 'clients', yeahh fancy shit right there. :) That took forever! I was went to leave at 3.30 or earlier, but noooo I left the court at 5.30... ahhh, I don't even get paid for this job!
In other news, :O I'm sleepy.
And I love this sooooo much, it's cute!

Monday, June 15, 2009
Just Like You.
So, first day of my work experience was great! All the staff at the court are so nice! I get a little security tag to swipe when I walk through secure doors and go in the lifts. It's all very exciting. I wouldn't really call it work... I chill out in court rooms and listen to cases most of the time.
Here's what I wore:

I keep getting asked if I want to do law, "maybe...". Well, no actually I would prefer science or art.
On to the actually topic here, Horoscopes! In the June issue of either Dolly or Girlfriend I was told the following:
- Get off the internet and you will do well in your exams and school work.
- The boy that seems 'hard to crack' will 'crack' for you. It was something similar to that. (I can't find the mag to check.)
I am greatly disappointed!
No good marks, and no fantastic boy!
Alright, well I didn't really get off the internet, but still! Where's my man!?
I think I'll settle for noodle boxes, coke, indie music and just blogging.
Here's what I wore:
I keep getting asked if I want to do law, "maybe...". Well, no actually I would prefer science or art.
On to the actually topic here, Horoscopes! In the June issue of either Dolly or Girlfriend I was told the following:
- Get off the internet and you will do well in your exams and school work.
- The boy that seems 'hard to crack' will 'crack' for you. It was something similar to that. (I can't find the mag to check.)
I am greatly disappointed!
No good marks, and no fantastic boy!
Alright, well I didn't really get off the internet, but still! Where's my man!?
I think I'll settle for noodle boxes, coke, indie music and just blogging.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Your Skin Looks Good On Me.
I had a fantastic day!
First off my bestest friend, Millie had a birthday breakfast. We sat at the dining table and were civilised, at least for a little bit. Having lollies and marshmallows in wine glasses soon led to food fights. The lolly throwing continued until all were thrown and then we vacuumed them up while laughing hysterically. We went to the park and re-lived our childhood on the swing. Renee proceeded to fall of the swings... needless to say most of us were on the ground laughing. We went back into the house and watched Disturbia. Shia LeBeouf is damn fine and I hate the girl in the movie for getting to kiss him!
Millie and I then went to the Melbourne Design Market at Fed Square. All the stalls were so amazing! We both bought a lot of badges.
And I also bought a cute cup for my tea in the morning, it's called a 'keep cup'. The idea is to use it when you get coffee from anywhere instead of using cardboard ones that the shop gives you.
(bad quality phone pictures.)
Another thing, my new ring! I love it so much, it's a knitting needle yettt a ring. "WOW!", you say. That's what I said too. Go to ok-ok.com.au they stock the designers items. It's comfy and gorgeous. I will probably wear it out soon.
After the market Millie and I decided to go to good olde Nandos for some extemely large chips. We sat outside the church near Flinder Street station and after a while we were attacked by seagulls. I think we got a few weird looks with me yelling, 'Millie! I hate birds! ARGH! Let's go go gooo!' Not soon enough did we head off to Flinders and bought some...
And other lollies of course! Then we headed home.
In other news, my work experience begins tomorrow! I'm heading to the Family Court right near Flagstaff stations. I'm only working 9.30 until 3.30, so there will be lots of shopping time. :)
I'm hoping to go to the John Brack exibition sometime soon... If I get the chance I'll go this week.
I also look like a gothic fairy in my work expierence clothes... I might take a picture for you.
First off my bestest friend, Millie had a birthday breakfast. We sat at the dining table and were civilised, at least for a little bit. Having lollies and marshmallows in wine glasses soon led to food fights. The lolly throwing continued until all were thrown and then we vacuumed them up while laughing hysterically. We went to the park and re-lived our childhood on the swing. Renee proceeded to fall of the swings... needless to say most of us were on the ground laughing. We went back into the house and watched Disturbia. Shia LeBeouf is damn fine and I hate the girl in the movie for getting to kiss him!
Millie and I then went to the Melbourne Design Market at Fed Square. All the stalls were so amazing! We both bought a lot of badges.
(bad quality phone pictures.)

In other news, my work experience begins tomorrow! I'm heading to the Family Court right near Flagstaff stations. I'm only working 9.30 until 3.30, so there will be lots of shopping time. :)
I'm hoping to go to the John Brack exibition sometime soon... If I get the chance I'll go this week.

Your Way With Words Is Through Silence
"If actions spoke louder than words, you'd have made me deaf by now." - A Day To Remember.
I found a sweet website via a trail of random blogs, I love it!
Here are some of my favourites:

I found a sweet website via a trail of random blogs, I love it!
Here are some of my favourites:
Okay, maybe I went a little overboard with them, but I could read them forever.
I will posts another blog like this soon-ish, maybe with a theme. :)
And thanks you to my followers! All three of you!
Some one actually reads my crap. I promise I will get better at blogging and art as a matter of a fact. Reading all these blogs others write is inspiring and I love it.
I will posts another blog like this soon-ish, maybe with a theme. :)
And thanks you to my followers! All three of you!
Some one actually reads my crap. I promise I will get better at blogging and art as a matter of a fact. Reading all these blogs others write is inspiring and I love it.
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