It's all very exciting. :) No more of the i-hate-knitting-and-i-treat-everyone-like-a-five-year-old teacher.
Okay, so the moment has come, he said goodbye and left us with a sub. NO MOREEE!
*dances like crazy* or nooot, i'm in class and people may think i'm even more strange...
I did have science though, we played a trivia game that ended up being mostly about South America and the USA. We did get chocolate and lots of it. The lesson included my teacher dancing and pretending to be the score girl, he would have been fired if he gained income from it.
My science teachers lovely quote from when we were watching 'The Dish', "It's important to be brave, otherwise you'll never meet anyone." Why thank you, my favourite giant swedish man. You hold all the knowledge in the world.
My next two periods, Viscom and English could not have may for a better ending for the semester. I am not in the mood for German or maths...
Last day/very early in the morning I was reading some blogs, as usual when I came across a few website and other things that I like:
Oh Crap. My Parents Joined Facebook.

It's an Etsy shop with the cutest cross sticking pieces.
It's a shame I just threw out my cross stiching material, I'm craving it now.
I think I'm going to buy some supplies tonight, or soon at least. :)
Tomorrow is going to be a very busy day! At 11am I have my ballroom dancing exam... I'm doing, Merilyn, Palma Waltz and Tangoette. Then Mother and I are planning to rush to Brinswick to go to the Retrostar sale, which is going to be sooooo busy. Otherwise I think we will end up chilling out on the streets... :D
After all that, I have to be at work at 3pm. It's all exciting...
I'm being forced into doing soooome work, damn you Byron! >_<