Friday, July 3, 2009

Die Romantic.

I want brogue heels! A lot!
But I want them for a good price.
I want them nice and comfy- preferably. :)
And I think I want them in black.

This is my new scarf. Don't mind the picture... You can't see it too well. It's 3.5 metres long and super thin. The poor thing has been spoken about as if it was a piece of string, but I do love it. Even my mother said it was a waste of wool. I wasn't too happy.
Last night, I also finished a scarf I started 13 months ago. I threw it at mum and said "MUM! Here's last year's birthday present!" I hate it, it's U-G-L-YYY! Digusting colours, but I love the pattern. I promise to post a photo sometime. :)

Now, I can finally post my Retrostar photos!

The bag: was about $10, a good buy I say.
The shirt: I will make it work! Sometime soon... I'm thinking black skirt? Hmmm. $5
The dress: super comfy and amazing! I love it soooo much. $10
The belt: it's a pretty green colour and that's basically why I bought it, well actually it was free...

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